Séminaire animé par David Desmarchelier
Mardi 14 décembre, David Desmarchelier, maître de conférences HDR à la chaire RENEL, au BETA et à l’Université de Lorraine animera un séminaire de recherche pour présenter un working paper.
Pollution and preferences: optimal endogenous growth and suboptimal Environmental Kuznets Curve.
Abstract : This paper develops a very simple model of endogenous growth à la Lucas (1988) in which a representative household has to choose between environmental preservation and human capital accumulation. After computing analytically all possible trajectories, we point out that one of them depicts an inverted U-shape relationship between human capital (production) and pollution (i.e an Environmental Kuznets Curve). However, we prove that this particular trajectory is not optimal. The optimal one is the Balanced Growth Path (BGP).