GiM and the OAP become the RENEL Chair’s new partners

The RENEL Chair is delighted to announce its new partnership with two research groups at the University of Barcelona: GiM and OAP. Specialising in public policy, these institutes become two valuable international allies for the Chair.

While the RENEL Chair is developing its collaboration with the INSP, it is also diversifying its international partners. It is now working with the University of Barcelona, through Governs i Mercats and the Obervatori d’anàlisi i avaluació de polítiques públiques.

Governs i Mercats is a research group studying the interaction between governments and markets. It analyses the role of governments and the ways in which they intervene in different types of market. The Obervatori d’anàlisi i avaluació de polítiques públiques focuses on the evaluation of public policies and the debate surrounding evaluation methods.

In addition to their regular academic publications, these two research groups are also used to organising seminars and workshops. It is with this in mind that they are joining forces with the RENEL Chair. The partnership will begin with a visit to Metz by Germa Bel in the spring, followed by a visit to Barcelona by researchers from the Chair. But the main project of this partnership is the organisation of a joint seminar between the three institutions, starting in the autumn! 

The RENEL Chair would like to thank Joan-Ramon Borrell, Director of both GiM and OAP, for his active and enthusiastic collaboration. This new partnership reinforces one of the three pillars of the Chair, the involvement of private players in missions of general interest, through two research groups with experience in this field. It is also delighted with the new prospects for international collaboration, adding a comparative dimension to its study!

By Axel Bardon.

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